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How to Build a Strong Personal Brand

Building a strong personal brand is the first step in building a successful career. The reason for this is simple: you can't sell yourself or your products and services if no one knows about you. A personal brand helps you stand out from your peers and demonstrates that you have what it takes to be a top performer. In this blog post, I will discuss how to build a strong personal brand so that people know who you are and what makes you unique.

Be authentic.

The most important lesson to learn is that your personal brand should be authentic. If someone were to search for your name online and find a profile that didn't match up with who you really are, it would create confusion for them and damage the trust between yourself and your audience.

So, how does one go about creating an authentic personal brand? Be yourself! Don't try too hard; just be open about who you are as a person. This might mean sharing some embarrassing stories from childhood or even admitting when things don't go well at work (or anywhere else). But as long as they're honest moments in time, they can help build credibility around who exactly this person is behind all those professional accomplishments--and make people more interested in engaging professionally with him/her down the road.

Here are some tips:

  • Internal vs External branding
    • Internal – how you are perceived by your colleagues, managers, and other stakeholders. A strong internal brand helps you get promoted.
    • External – how you are perceived by people outside of your organization, such as customers, clients, and potential employers. A strong external brand helps you attract new clients.
  • Brand Positioning
    • Create a unique identity for yourself in the marketplace. Decide what you want to be known for, typically based on your unique skills, experience, and values.
  • Create a unique identity for yourself in the marketplace. Decide what you want to be known for, typically based on your unique skills, experience, and values.
  • Tagline, Colors, Fonts, and Logos
    • Develop a short and catchy phrase that sums up your personal brand.
    • Choose colors reflective of your personality and values. Bright and bold colors for creative and energetic people; neutral colors for more serious and professional people.
    • When developing your logo what do you want your logo to communicate to others, keep in mind the overall aesthetic of your personal brand.
  • Develop a short and catchy phrase that sums up your personal brand.
  • Choose colors reflective of your personality and values. Bright and bold colors for creative and energetic people; neutral colors for more serious and professional people.
  • When developing your logo, what do you want your logo to communicate to others, keep in mind the overall aesthetic of your personal brand.

Be yourself, but brand yourself as well.

You want to be yourself, but it's also important to brand yourself. In order for your personal brand to stand out, it's important that you're honest and open about who you are as a person. Let people into the real side of your life--your interests, hobbies, and passions; what inspires you; the things that make up who you are as an individual.

Be consistent with what makes up your personal brand by being authentic in everything from posts on social media channels (e.g., Twitter) all the way through signatures on your emails. The more consistent these elements are across platforms such as LinkedIn or Facebook, for instances where others may have access to both professional and personal information.

Give others the opportunity to learn more about you by sharing your story and what inspires you.

  • Share your story with others.
  • What inspires you in your personal and professional life?
  • What makes you unique?
  • What have you learned?

It's important to share with others what has made a difference in your life so they can learn from your experiences and failures as well as successes. 

By building a strong personal brand, you will put yourself at an advantage in any sales or marketing role that you want to pursue.

A strong personal brand is essential to the success of any sales or marketing professional. By building a strong personal brand, you will put yourself at an advantage over other sales or marketing individuals. Your personal brand can help with:

  • Closing big deals
  • Getting considered by potential customers
  • Communicating with your customers at a more personal level
  • Getting repeat business

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Personal Brand Statement

 Your personal brand statement is the starting point for telling the rest of your brand story. The trick to a strong personal brand statement is to create a catchy statement that immediately shows what you do and how you help your target audience. In order to build a personal brand that accurately reflects your personal and professional identity and includes your core values, prospective clients and fellow professionals will better connect with your personal brand statement if you are able to create a personal connection.

An elevator pitch is not the same as your personal brand statement, but it is still wise to have a 30- to 60-second elevator pitch ready for networking events. The definition of an elevator pitch is a concise summary of who you are, what you do, and your personal mission or vision.

Social Media Style Guide

Creating a social media style guide can help you maintain consistency across all your platforms. This includes things like the tone of voice you use, the types of content you share, and the overall aesthetic of your profiles. Your social media accounts are an extension of your personal brand, so it's important to ensure they reflect who you are and what you stand for.

1. Social media accounts: Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and TikTok where individuals and businesses can create profiles to connect with others online.

2. Political views: Expressing one's opinions and beliefs about political issues on social media can help people engage in discussions and debates with others who may have similar or differing views.

3. Meaningful connections: Social media provides the opportunity to connect with friends, family, colleagues, and like-minded individuals from all over the world, fostering relationships and building networks.

4. Potential client: Social media can be used as a tool to target and engage with potential clients or customers by sharing relevant content and engaging with their interests and needs.

5. Public persona: The image or identity that a person presents to the public through their social media presence, which can shape how they are perceived by others.

6. Wider audience: Social media allows individuals and businesses to reach a broader audience beyond their immediate circle, increasing visibility and engagement.

7. Consistent content: Posting regular and consistent content on social media helps maintain engagement and interest from followers, leading to a more active and responsive audience.

8. Social media tools: Various tools and software are available to help users manage, schedule, analyze, and optimize their social media presence for better results.

9. Social media influencer: Individuals who have built a large following on social media and are seen as authoritative figures in their niche, often collaborating with brands for sponsored content.

10. Social media outlets: Different platforms or channels where users can share content and engage with others online, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and Pinterest.

11. Professional network: Building and nurturing connections with industry professionals, colleagues, and potential employers on social media platforms like LinkedIn to expand career opportunities.

12. Personal branding examples: Showcase an individual's unique skills, expertise, and personality on social media to create a strong personal brand that resonates with their target audience.

13. Online persona: The digital identity that a person creates and presents on social media, shaping how they are perceived by others in the online world.

14. Social media profiles: Individual accounts on social media platforms that represent a person or business, including personal information, interests, updates, and interactions with others.

Conclusion: Is it worth it?

Building a personal brand requires hard work and dedication. It's not something that can be done overnight, but the payoff is worth it! By branding yourself as an expert in your industry, you will be able to reach more people who need your services or products. You'll also find that people are more willing to work with you because they already know what kind of person they're dealing with before ever making contact with them personally.

For examples and additional resources on building your personal brand, you can visit Webflow.